Harrisonburg, VA

(540) 437-1230


Staunton, VA

(540) 213-8750

Tooth Extraction(s) Post-Op Instructions

In case of postoperative complications or if you require assistance, please telephone this office.

Important: Patients who have had a general anesthetic or intravenous sedation should not drive an automobile for the next 24 hours.


REMOVE ALL GAUZE PACKS 20 TO 30 MINUTES AFTER LEAVING THE OFFICE OR UPON ARRIVING HOME. PLACE ANOTHER STERILE GAUZE PACK ONLY IF THE BLEEDING CONTINUES. A certain amount of bleeding is to be expected following the surgery. Coloring of the saliva with blood is normal for a few days following the surgery. If the bleeding continues after a reasonable period of time, place a sterile gauze pack (folded into a 1-inch square) DIRECTLY OVER THE BLEEDING AREA AND BITE DOWN FIRMLY FOR 20 MINUTES. Repeat as necessary using gauze or wet teabags wrapped in gauze. DO NOT USE COTTON OR FACIAL TISSUE. If bleeding is excessive, sit in a relaxed position, with head up, and place the ice packs externally over the operated area. DO NOT SPIT FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS.


Obtain prescriptions immediately. Take the prescribed medications as indicated by the directions on the bottle. Take the antibiotic prescription until all of the pills have been consumed. Use the prescribed pain medication (analgesic) only as necessary, substituting with Tylenol or other mild analgesics if they bring adequate relief. All pain medications should be taken with milk or after eating. The prescribed pain medication may cause nausea and constipation. DO NOT CONSUME ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR DRIVE AN AUTOMOBILE WHEN TAKING PRESCRIBED PAIN MEDICATION.

Ice Packs

Use ice packs on the operated areas (externally) for the first 24 hours. Apply ice packs for 20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off. Do not use ice packs after the first postoperative day unless so advised.


Start with foods that are soft (Jell-O, mashed potatoes, pudding, etc.). Once the numbness has resolved then you may eat any food which can be chewed and successfully swallowed. DRINK PLENTY OF LIQUIDS. Avoid hot foods and hot liquids for 3-4 days.

Oral Hygiene

Vigorous mouth washing may stimulate bleeding. Therefore, DO NOT RINSE THE MOUTH FOR AT LEAST 6 HOURS FOLLOWING SURGERY. You may then gently rinse the mouth with warm salt water (1/4 teaspoon salt to an 8-ounce glass of warm water) or a diluted mouthwash 4-5 times a day for several days. If bleeding continues, stop all mouth rinsing, and follow the instructions regarding bleeding. The teeth should be brushed with toothpaste. Good oral hygiene will reduce the possibility of infection.

Oral Hygiene – Wisdom Teeth

STARTING ON THE FIFTH DAY, use the syringe to irrigate the lower sockets 2-3 times a day with warm salt water, until the holes are completely closed. If bleeding continues, stop all mouth rinsing and follow the instructions regarding bleeding. The teeth should be brushed with toothpaste. Good oral hygiene will reduce the possibility of infection.


It is recommended that cigarette smoking be eliminated for two weeks prior to and after the surgery. Smoking at any time will increase the risk of complications, including a dry socket.

General Information

The operated area may become swollen. The greatest amount of pain and swelling will occur approximately 1-4 days after surgery. Moderate physical activity with proper use of ice packs will help to reduce the swelling. Having your head elevated with pillows while sleeping may also help reduce swelling.

You may have a slight earache for several days or a stiff jaw.

A sore throat may develop.

Teeth adjacent to the surgery area may ache. This is referred pain and is a temporary condition.

There may be a slight elevation of temperature for 24 to 48 hours after the surgery. If the elevated temperature continues, drink plenty of fluids and telephone this office.

If the corners of the mouth of lips become dry or chapped, keep the area moist with cream or ointment.

The area where the teeth were removed should be gently rinsed following meals with warm salt water or diluted mouthwash. These areas will gradually fill with new tissue.

It is recommended that cigarette smoking be eliminated for two weeks prior to and after surgery. This will also help reduce the risk of a dry socket.

Do not disturb the healing tissue. Its grayish or yellowish appearance and slight odor do not indicate infection. Keep fingers, toothpicks, or other objects that may cause infection out of the mouth.

Do not use drinking straws, a water pik or floss for one week after the surgery unless otherwise advised by this office.

Dissolvable stitches are generally used. These stitches will probably dissolve or fall out before your postoperative appointment.


(540) 437-1230