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Stem Cell Dentistry in Harrisonburg, VA

At Legacy Surgery, we keep on top of industry advancements. One of the most innovative techniques for oral surgery and implant dentistry involves using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) extracted from the patient's blood. Commonly referred to as stem cell dentistry, the use of PRF in dental procedures operates on the idea that bodies heal better when natural elements derived from their own chemistry are used in the process.
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Advanced dentistry in a state-of-the-art surgical center.

Why Choose Legacy surgery

Dr. Kesecker is a Recognized Leader in Dental Implants, the All-on-4 Procedure, and Sedation Dentistry.
Expertise and Training: As a board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Kesecker maintains certifications in Advanced Trauma Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support and can administer all types of anesthesia.
Experience: Dr. Kesecker has placed thousands of implants and has been delivering exquisite results for many years. Dr. Kesecker has completed advanced surgical training in the latest dental implant techniques.
State-of-the-Art Surgical Center: Our practice is designed to deliver exceptional patient care using the most advanced technology available.

We have 21st century technology now that can give you back your smile and ability to eat the foods you love – just like your natural teeth.

Why use PRF in Dental Procedures?

PRF is an autologous platelet concentrate that is extracted from your blood. We use it because your blood already contains what your body needs to heal when wounded. The use of PRF dentistry is an all-natural way to promote healing. We extract the PRF from your blood and apply it directly to the area that requires healing. Wounds treated with PRF are proven to heal faster and better than wounds left on their own.

How do we extract the PRF?

The extraction process is fast and straightforward. We draw a small sample of your blood into a vial. The vial is placed into a centrifuge and spun at very high speeds for about ten minutes. The blood separates into plasma, a fibrin clot, and red blood cells. The fibrin clot in the middle is the PRF. We remove it from the vial and apply it directly to your surgical site.

There are several components in the fibrin clot help in the healing and recovery process after dental procedures.

  • Leukocytes: These white blood cells fight infection
  • Platelets: Platelets cause blood to clot, which helps to stop bleeding when you have a wound.
  • Autologous fibrin: This protein forms a mesh-like structure, binding together all the components of the blood clot.
  • Cytokines: These proteins help in wound healing by fighting the symptoms of inflammation.
  • Stem cell: Stem cells regenerate in to whatever type of cell your body needs most. They can become new cells to form bone, blood, or muscle tissue.

What are the Benefits of PRF and Stem Cell Dentistry?

PRF can benefit you in many ways following oral surgery, wisdom tooth extraction, dental implant surgery, and other procedures we perform at Legacy Surgery.

  • PRF is all-natural
  • Your wound will heal faster
  • You experience less pain after surgery
  • Reduces risk of infection
  • Decreases swelling
  • PRF for dental implants speeds up the bonding process between the bone and implant
  • PRF for wisdom tooth removal increases early blood supply to the socket to decrease the chance of dry socket.

Because PRF comes directly from your body, it does not pose the risk of disease transmission. The use of PRF is very safe. We only draw a small amount of your blood at the time of your oral surgery.

PRF for Dental Procedures Cost

The use of PRF for wisdom teeth extractions or other procedures is generally not covered by dental insurance plans. Thankfully, PRF dental treatments are not too costly. They range between $300 and $700. Actual costs depend on how much PRF is needed and the procedure it is used in.

Benefit from the Safe and Effective PRF Dentistry at Legacy Surgery

Recover faster from your oral surgery. You can trust the professionals at Legacy Surgery to give you the best treatment possible, no matter what you come in for. The use of PRF in dental procedures helps get you back to normal following your surgery. It also decreases your need for strong pain medication and anti-inflammatories. We are fully equipped and trained in stem cell dentistry. If you have any questions about PRF and its applications, please feel free to contact us. Our priority is to serve you through the best and safest oral surgery practices in Harrisonburg, Virginia.


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