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Gum Grafting Procedure in Harrisonburg, VA

Having a dentist tell you that you need gum grafting surgery can be scary, but it is actually a relatively quick and simple procedure. Gum Graft Surgery is necessary if you have advanced stages of gum recession and it’s been recommended to protect your teeth from further damage or bone loss. You may also choose to have the surgery for cosmetic reasons, such as to eliminate a “toothy” smile and achieve a more symmetrically even gum line. There are 3 types of Gum Graft Surgery. Dr. Kesecker can explain your options and help determine the best approach for enjoying a more beautiful smile today. 
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Advanced dentistry in a state-of-the-art surgical center.

Why Choose Legacy surgery

Dr. Kesecker is a Recognized Leader in Dental Implants, the All-on-4 Procedure, and Sedation Dentistry.
Expertise and Training: As a board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Kesecker maintains certifications in Advanced Trauma Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support and can administer all types of anesthesia.
Experience: Dr. Kesecker has placed thousands of implants and has been delivering exquisite results for many years. Dr. Kesecker has completed advanced surgical training in the latest dental implant techniques.
State-of-the-Art Surgical Center: Our practice is designed to deliver exceptional patient care using the most advanced technology available.

We have 21st century technology now that can give you back your smile and ability to eat the foods you love – just like your natural teeth.

What is gum grafting?

Gum grafting is done to treat gum recession and prevent further dental complications.

  • What is gum recession? A condition where the tissue surrounding your tooth pulls back from the tooth and exposes more of the tooth and even the tooth root.
  • How does gum recession happen? There are several different causes of gum recession, including aggressive brushing or insufficient dental care. Additionally, your genes or hormonal changes in women can cause your gums to recede. Using tobacco products, having a lip or tongue piercing, grinding or clenching your teeth, or having a misaligned bite, can also cause gum recession. The most common cause of gum recession is periodontal disease, or, bacterial gum infections.
  • Who is a good candidate for gum grafting? Anyone who is experiencing symptoms related to gum recession, such as tooth sensitivity or an exposed tooth root, is a good candidate for gum grafting.

Types of Gum Graft Surgery

There are three types of gum grafts that are typically used and which one is used is dependent on your specific needs, particularly the amount of gum tissue present.

  • Connective tissue grafts: This is the most common method of gum grafting and utilizes subepithelial connective tissue taken from the roof of your mouth. A flap of skin is cut on the roof of your mouth, also called your palate, to expose the tissue. The graft is removed and stitched to the gum tissue that surrounds the exposed root, and then the flap is closed with stitches.
  • Free gingival grafts: This type of graft is similar to connective tissue grafts and uses tissue from the roof of your mouth. However, the tissue is removed directly from the roof of your mouth instead of from underneath a flap of skin. This method is generally used for patients who have thin gums and need extra tissue to enlarge the gums.
  • Pedicle grafts: This method does not use tissue from the roof of your mouth, and instead uses tissue that is around, or close to, the tooth needing repair. The flap, called a pedicle, is only partially cut away from the gums and is then pulled over or down to cover the exposed root and stitched into place. This method can only be used if there is plenty of gum tissue near the exposed tooth.

What are the Benefits of Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is beneficial not only to prevent further dental complications, including tooth loss, but it can also improve the appearance of your smile.

Gum Grafting Recovery

After the procedure, you will be able to go home after a brief period of observation. For the first two weeks after the graft, you should try to eat soft, cold food to prevent damage to the graft. Additionally, you should not brush or floss until Dr. Kesecker says it is safe to, as brushing or flossing too early can cause the wound to reopen and potentially become infected.

Dental Gum Grafting Cost

Typically, insurance will cover some or all of the cost of gum grafts. Before proceeding with treatment, you will be provided with a detailed breakdown of costs, including what portion you may be responsible for and what portion your insurance will cover.

Dr. Kesecker at Legacy Surgery

Dr. Kesecker and his team work to ensure a comfortable environment and provide the best care possible in order to eliminate as much of the fear and discomfort surrounding dental surgery as possible. Contact us today if your gums are receding and require treatment.


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